24.11.2022–28.03.2023 / UFO – Junge Oper Urban
For all from 6 upwards
So oder so oder so
Tom Smith / Heili Schwarz-Schütte
We are all different and always feel different: the fabulous revue finds it very okay that anything is possible.
Do you always know what you want? Who you are, what suits you? Sometimes you feel light and floating, like a little pink cloud. And then you're a monster again with the most beautiful wild shaggy hair. Some days the whole world belongs to you and you can embrace everyone. But it's not always like that. The days are different and we are always different: just like this or like that. Composer Tom Smith's fabulous revue finds it very okay that anything is possible.
>> UFO in Düsseldorf-Oberbilk
Ballonwiese im Volksgarten
Stoffeler Kapellenweg 65, 40225 Düsseldorf
>> UFO in Düsseldorf-Oberbilk
Ballonwiese im Volksgarten
Stoffeler Kapellenweg 65, 40225 Düsseldorf
Musikalische Leitung / Klavier
Seifenblase, Tausendfüßlerin, Glühwürmchen
Seifenblase, Monster, Glühwürmchen
Einhorn, Glühwürmchen