The concept

The UFO is a real eye-catcher, a research station and a musical sound laboratory. It wants to be a place of encounter and cooperate with local actors to invent music theatre together. People and groups from the neighbourhood will become creators and co-creators of joint musical projects.
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For almost three years and eight stations, the UFO has been landing regularly. From Duisburg's inner harbour to Bruckhausen, from Düsseldorf Garath to Golzheim. The UFO has been at Dellplatz in Duisburg since February 2024. It will be back in Düsseldorf from August 2024.

Musical theatre rethought, close-up and excitingly told - all this and much more can be seen in the mobile venue of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein, which was conceived and designed by the architecture firm raumlabor berlin, made possible by the "Neue Wege" funding programme of the NRW KULTURsekretariat Wuppertal.

Things to know for your visit

47051 Duisburg
Disabled access
Der Zugang zum UFO ist barrierefrei und über eine kleine Rampe erreichbar.
Rund um das UFO haben Sie die Möglichkeit Getränke und kleine Snacks zu erwerben.